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Peter Slomski, July 31 - August 6, 2016

1. Looking through the eyes of God  (Eph  3: 9-11; 5: 25-32)
Patrząc oczami Boga - Peter Slomski
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2. The glory of the visible church  (Mt  18: 15-20; Acts 14: 21-24)
Chwała widzialnego kościoła - Peter Slomski
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3. A new temple  (Eph 2: 19-22; I Pt 2: 4-9)
Nowa świątynia - Peter Slomski
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4. One family  (Eph. 2: 11-22)
Jedna rodzina - Peter Slomski
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5. Growing together as one body  (1 Cor 12: 4-27; Eph 4: 7-16)
Wzrastając razem jako jedno ciało - Peter Slomski
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6. The pillar and foundation of truth  (1 Tim 3:15-4:16)
Filar i podwalina prawdy - Peter Slomski
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7. Married to the church  (Acts 9: 26-28; 5: 12-14)
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