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Welcome  on  side  our  church.  Community  Christian  RECONCILIATION  is  local Protestant church in Grodzisk  Mazowieckie, voiv. Mazowieckie, the resulting one  and  functioning  In  based  about biblical  template  church,  saved  in the New Testament.

We are glad you visited our website  and we hope you will find at least some of the important answers here  questions about life and faith, and lots of encouragement for further spiritual pilgrimage.  




This word is usually associated with the name of each of the  the first four books of the New Testament (ie, the Gospel of Matthew, the Gospel of Mark, the Gospel of Luke and the Gospel of John). However, its literal meaning is  good news,  it goes much further and deals with the most important issue  in the life of every person,  ie his salvation. Salvation, that is  salvation from eternal punishment for sins that, as the possessor of a sinful nature, every human being  commits (1 John  1: 8).


From the time Adam and Eve sinned for the first time, every human being is born with a sinful nature  and is distant from God. Instead of worshiping and serving true God, man plunges into darkness, honors creation, and experiences the painful consequences of turning away from the truth (Romans 1: 18-32), drawing upon himself the wrath of God's coming judgment.  Dead in his sins and failures (Ephesians 2: 1), he does not want and is unable to reconcile himself with God and his situation is tragic ...


Thursdays, 19:00

Al. Spacerowa 28, Książenice



Sundays, 11:00 am



ul. 11 November 34/2

05-825 Grodzisk Mazowiecki


Fridays 19:00

Please contact us regarding the location .

tel .:       602 336 846 | 792 616 888

address of services:            

ul. 11 November 34/2
Grodzisk Mazowiecki

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